My Sewing Machine

My Sewing Machine


While on my Christmas break I've read 3 books.

  1. The Girl That Chased The Moon - This book was very imaginative. I liked it because it was really outside the box. If you have an open mind it is a good choice. This was the book club choice last time but I didn't go to the meeting so I was catching up.
  2. Wicked - I bought this book thinking it was a children's liked the book but was disappointed that the author had foul language and suggestive scenes. It's a good book other wise. This is written as the point of view from the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. I liked how it made me think of how she thought and felt about the shoes and everything in her life that happened.
  3. Son of a Witch - This was the sequel to the Wicked book. I loved this one. However, the same as above with lang. and scenes :( But it was wonderful. I couldn't put it down. I have to get the third book now! :)
So when I finally get to the book store I'll let you know! I have to read the next book club book before getting the third of the series though!

My Cute Nephew

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas with my Dad and Cheryl. This is my nephew, Liam, at the table where we ate lunch.

16 days until he turns 2 yrs old. Isn't he cute? :)


This is my purse I made
I used a McCall's pattern (M6045):

Here's a fanny pack that I made
(I had no pattern either!):


Up to date

Happy New Year!!!
Well it's been a long time. I started this blog hoping to try to make sure I kept up with it but it is just like facebook - I don't keep up with either! :)

What's new?

  • Matthew moved in with his dad during the summer
  • Aaron is a senior this year and we've just started the 2nd semester. I pray he'll graduate!
  • I'm still sewing after school with the Aspire program. I also have 2 craft classes and a community service class.
  • I'm still involved with Boy Scouts,
  • PTSA as the Historian and helping with the Project Celebration,
  • C.A.R. that meets once a month.
  • Let's not forget the family book club.

So I'm busy....most of the time! :)

I'm going to hunt down some recent pictures of items I've created recently....more posts to come!